“Strategy and leadership sustainable change"

We are a consultancy that guides leaders and organizations through improvements, changes, and transformations,  to create successful and sustainable businesses.

We develop the Human Factor in enterprises, organizations and corporations, at an international level and in different sectors, with a totally innovative approach. More than two decades of experience, giving support to leaders, entrepreneurs, and CEO’s of multiple companies and industries, has given us as a result a deep knowledge on how to lead these companies to success, by strengthening their human structures, leadership, and teams from the inside.

"There is nothing permanent, except change".




As a leader, you serve as the crucial bridge between your organization and the envisioned change. Understanding your role and the expectations surrounding it is fundamental. When you clarify your vision, communicate effectively, and hold both yourself and your team accountable throughout the change process, you can successfully navigate even the most disruptive changes. This journey often requires leaders to make a significant leap, embracing roles of visionary communication, coaching, and inspiration. It commences with heightened self-awareness, venturing into uncharted mental territories, and developing fresh leadership skills. Exceptional leaders not only possess deep self-awareness but also an openness to novel concepts. Our leadership development and coaching initiatives are designed to support this path of self-discovery and practical growth.


Change is an inherent facet of life, and it is no different in the realm of business. As a company evolves and expands, various changes come into play, such as new leadership, revised rules, or shifts in ownership. These changes can significantly influence how managers and staff operate. Effectively guiding a team through change is a crucial responsibility in team management to ensure the continuity of efficient workflows.

In this context, teams play a pivotal role in an organization’s performance and its adaptation to desired changes. Successful teams exhibit outstanding performance, maintain effective communication, and engage in seamless collaboration. Each team member actively contributes, guided by shared values. Strong leadership not only fosters personal growth, improvement, and innovation but also nurtures an environment conducive to individual development within the organization.

We engage with individuals, both as a collective unit and on an individual basis, tapping into their unique talents, cultivating the appropriate leadership mindsets, and fostering the capabilities necessary to navigate change effectively. The result is the development of exceptional teams that thrive amidst evolving landscapes.


The effectiveness of a transformation hinges on its implementation strategy. The human dimension plays a pivotal role in this process. For change to take root, the organization must secure the complete engagement, acceptance, and commitment of its employees. It’s important to recognize that each individual’s mindset responds uniquely to change. The key lies in orchestrating change in a manner that encourages individuals and teams within the organization to willingly embrace change and contribute positively through their distinct qualities.

Personal development and organizational advancement are intricately interconnected, moving forward in tandem to foster a culture of evolution and progress.



At HUMAN-O-S® we know that each business situation is a unique ecosystem and therefore needs a tailor-made architectural design. Therefore, in order to design the Human Blueprint of your organization, we previously perform an in-depth analysis of the specific needs related to its business, product or service, market, and staff, taking into account the short, medium, and long-term needs, in order to achieve the success of its undertaking or startup.

In addition to making sure all managing and leadership teams get the necessary knowledge and tools to lead successfully.


At HUMAN-O-S® we build the perfect bridge between the present situation and the ideal solution for the organization.
To achieve this, we design the appropriate strategy, action plan, and the necessary knowledge and tools for the managing and leadership teams to lead the change successfully while maintaining the same level of productivity and income.



The unique HUMAN-O-S® methodology helps organizations to develop their teams from within, thanks to its personal sessions, trainings and conferences. Addressing the following topics:

– how human factors function
– how to create solid and efficient teams
– how to become a great leader
– how to communicate effectively
– conflict management
and much more


Amancay Moreels, of French-Belgian origins, is the 4th generation of a family that, for more than a century, has been developing businesses in Europe and South America.

In her early career, her entrepreneurial spirit led her to explore several paths, working for international corporations in different sectors, both in Belgium and abroad. However, her fascination for the human behavior made her pursue her education and get specialized in the human factor. This helped her acquire a deeper knowledge and a greater understanding on how the human factor affected the efficiency of the teams, the corporate culture and the world of business in general.


After moving to Spain more than 15 years ago, she embarked on her journey of becoming a consultant and mentor, working with elite athletes, entrepreneurs, CEOs, leaders, and teams, both in corporate and organizations, achieving numerous successes both nationally and internationally.

This led her to achieve numerous successes, both nationally and internationally, which culminated in the creation of the HUMAN-O-S® methodology.

A methodology that supports leaders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs to better select, manage and organize their human resources.


Through the years we have formed a team of specialists in the human factor (both internal and external collaborators) made up by extraordinary, skilled and motivated professionals from different countries, who share a common goal: to ensure that customers have the optimal human structures to ensure their success.

Spoken languages: English-Spanish-French-Dutch-Portuguese


The foundation of our success lies in our values: honesty, transparency, and respect, and in a long trajectory of in-depth knowledge about the development of the human factor, individually and as a team.

Our mission is to give support to all leaders, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs to better select, manage and organize their human structures. Striving to create healthy and adequate environments so that each individual can develop and prosper and, at the same time, the organization can benefit from these accomplishments.

Our vision is to change the way the corporate and business world creates, leads and manages the human factor, demonstrating that there is a more balanced, healthy and prosperous way to lead and manage teams.

We offer uncompromising quality, build strong and healthy relationships, take responsibility for everything we do, and always work to improve and better ourselves, but above all, we deeply love what we do.






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